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ACSL Theory

ACSL Junior Division Theory - Contest Years 2001-02 through 2023-24

ACSL junior division course is best for all junior high and middle school aspirants who have no previous programming experience. Students below grade 9 should be part of this course training. Students get various practice papers to practice. (9months duration along with an assistant teacher)

ACSL Senior Division Theory - Contest Years 2001-02 through 2023-24

Best for high school students with programming experience, especially those taking AP Computer Science. As we know In the United States, Advanced Placement Computer Science is a suite of Advanced Placement courses and examinations covering areas of computer science. (Session-9months duration)

Intermediate Division Theory - Contest Years 2001-02 to 2023-24

For high school students with no programming experience and for advanced junior high students. Each contest consists of an online 30-minute, 5-question short answer test and an online programming problem to solve in 72 hours. Numerous practice papers are provided. (36 weeks duration)

Classroom Division Theory - Contest Years 2001-02 to 2023-24

The questions in the Classroom division are the theory sections of the Junior and Intermediate divisions. Students interested in the Classroom division should enroll for either the Junior Division Theory (easier problems) or the Intermediate Division Theory (9months session period)

Elementary Division Theory - Contest Years 2001-02 to 2023-24

ACSL elementary theory is suitable for all elementary division students. Each contest consists of an online 30-minute, 5-question non-programming test, focused on a single category of content. Every time there is different content for the practice and test. (9months session duration)