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Algebra 2Trig

Are you thinking of getting admitted to the Algebra 2 Trig Course Training ? Well then, Talent Academy is the best choice. Talent Academy offers you the best curriculum amongst all in a limited course structure that does not hurt your pocket. In case you would love to know about Algebra II and trigonometry course, here is a short introduction. Algebra 2 is a high school match course that comes after Algebra I containing the basics of Algebra. Algebra II is divided into thirteen chapters containing several lessons in each chapter. Each lesson is again inclusive of theory and examples. Course Curriculum at Talent Academy The course curriculum at Talent Academy is a package in itself having all the important chapters clubbed together in this course. The Algebra 2 Trig course for high school students is equally beneficial and attractive. The course topics include the following: Matrices (Introduction, Transformations, Determinants) Inverse Matrices Absolute Value & Inequalities Functions (Introduction, Linear functions, Quadratic functions, special functions, Polynomial functions, Trigonometric functions) Systems of Equations and Inequalities Radical expressions Factoring and Dividing Polynomials Logarithms Combinatorics Angle Measures and Unit Circle

In Algebra 2, students continue to develop algebraic thinking, Trigonometric functions, and proportional reasoning skills necessary to solve problems. Students use algebra as a tool for solving a variety of practical problems. Tables, graphs, calculators, and computer simulations exploration of functions, polynomials, rational expressions, sequences and series, and complex numbers. Students will create graphs using translation, reflection, dilation, and rotation. All the concepts play vital role in the Algebra 2 curriculum. Algebra Exponents – A brief review of the basic exponent properties. Absolute Value – A couple of quick problems to remind you of how absolute value works. Radicals– A review of radicals and some of their properties. Rationalizing– A review of a topic that doesn’t always get covered all that well in an algebra class, but is required occasionally in a Calculus class. Functions– Function notation and function evaluation. Multiplying Polynomials – A couple of polynomial multiplication problems illustrating common mistakes in a Calculus class. Factoring– Some basic factoring. Simplifying Rational Expressions– The ability to simplify rational expressions can be vital in some Calculus problems. Graphing and Common Graphs – Here are some common functions and how to graph them. The functions include parabolas, circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas. Solving Equations, Part I – Solving single variable equations, including the quadratic formula. Solving Equations, Part II – Solving multiple variable equations. Solving Systems of Equations – Solving systems of equations and some interpretations of the solution. Solving Inequalities – Solving polynomial and rational inequalities. Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities – Solving equations and inequalities that involve absolute value.

Trigonometry Trig Function Evaluation – How to use the unit circle to find the value of trig functions at some basic angles. Graphs of Trig Functions – The graphs of the trig functions and some nice properties that can be seen from the graphs. Trig Formulas– Some important trig formulas that you will find useful in a Calculus course. Solving Trig Equations – Techniques for solving equations involving trig functions. Inverse Trig Functions – The basics of inverse trig functions. Exponentials & Logarithms Basic Exponential Functions – Exponential functions, evaluation of exponential functions and some basic properties. Basic Logarithm Functions – Logarithm functions, evaluation of logarithms. Logarithm Properties – These are important enough to merit their own section. Simplifying Logarithms – The basics for simplifying logarithms. Solving Exponential Equations – Techniques for solving equations containing exponential functions. Solving Logarithm Equations – Techniques for solving equations containing logarithm functions.

This course has around 500 problems which include Add and Subtract, Symbolical Expression, Highest Common Fraction, Lowest Common Multiple, Fractions, Algebra trigonometry, and many more concepts that students will learn over the period of time. The Algebra II and Trigonometry courses are basically designed for the high school students but also will serve the purpose of the adults wanting to gain knowledge in the same subjects. Plus the high school students who have pursued the Algebra I and/or geometry course and fruitfully completed it can take up this particular course. Students studying HSE/GED/HiSET/TASC are also appreciated this course.

Teacher assistant available for summer schedule from 9 AM- 1 PM EST throughout the week on skype.

Rate: $120-$160 per month.

Algebra 2Trig Pdf Link: For more details
are used to interpret algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities, and to analyze linear and quadratic functions. Algebra II students extend the concepts of Algebra I. A thorough study of advanced algebraic concepts is provided through the