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Computer Programming - Math

The labs in the programming course can be submitted in any languages C, C++, Python or Java. In this introductory Java programming course, you will be introduced to powerful concepts such as functional abstraction, the object oriented programming (OOP) paradigm and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Examples and case studies will be provided so that you can implement simple programs on your own or collaborate with peers. Course duration will be 12-16 weeks depending upon the student's performance.

Emphasis is put on immediate feedback and on having a fun experience. Programming knowledge is not only useful to be able to program today’s devices such as computers and smartphones. It also opens the door to computational thinking, i.e. the application of computing techniques to every-day processes.Java has been around for decades, and it’s still one of the most popular programming languages out there. With so many applications — from software development to mobile apps to large systems development — knowing Java is an important skill to have. Java is a computer programming language to write the computer program. there is no age limit for learning how to code. This is one of the best things about computer science and programming languages. Learn Java Start here to learn fundamental Java concepts and see what you can do with this versatile language. Build Basic Android Apps with Java This Path will teach you how to build your own Android app from start to finish. Pass the Technical Interview with Java Learn the advanced skills, tips, and tricks you’ll need to ace an interview and land a job. We provide Step-by-step guidance, Hands-on experience, helps in better knowledge retention, and even track your progress. It is used for: Mobile applications (specially Android apps). Desktop applications. Web applications. Web servers and application servers. Games. Database connection. And much, much more!

The computer follows a list of instructions for performing tasks. This list of instructions is a computer program. The instructions include 2 things: List of ingredients (called variables). List of directions (called statements/commands) that define what to do with the variables. The curriculum follows the course path that has the following in the introduction: Topics in this section include: Source code and compilation, Class files and interpretation, Applications versus applets, Java language fundamentals, User-defined data types with Java and proceeds further with the topics as you advance. Java syntax of Java | MIDI Introduction, Introduction to Java Servlets, Introduction to Processing | Java, Introduction to Java NIO with Examples, Introduction to Checkstyle Plugin for Checking Java Code Quality, Introduction to JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), Introduction to Java Swing, Difference Between java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp and java.sql.Date in Java. and more such concepts that advance as you proceed to further in the curriculum. What you'll learn Skip What you'll learn Basic knowledge on algorithms and Java programming Develop programs with conditionals and loops Design and implement recursive algorithms Understand basic mechanisms of the OOP paradigm Use and interpret the API of some of the most common Java classes Develop simple programs in Java Additionally, the teacher Assistant is available from Monday to Friday 8 AM to 3 PM

The working of computers solely depends on these computer programs. To be able to do these types of students need to learn all the concepts to be able to perform and understand these logics. Why Use Java? Java works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.) It is one of the most popular programming language in the world. It is easy to learn and simple to use. It is open-source and free. It is secure, fast and powerful. It has a huge community support (tens of millions of developers). Java is an object oriented language which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused, lowering development costs. As Java is close to C++ and C#, it makes it easy for programmers to switch to Java or vice versa. Pre-requisitions: Should have basic computer knowledge along with an interest in coding and programming. It is not necessary to have any prior programming experience. We provide graded assignments and homework followed by review sessions that will helps to excel.